Welcome to Tree of Life Placenta Services

At Tree of Life Placenta Services, we have been happy to serve families in the Portland, Oregon area for over a decade.

We may be biased, but we think placentas are truly incredible. They protect, support, and nourish babies during pregnancy. Almost immediately after the birth, the placenta is born. We like to think of the placenta as the most “humble” organ. What else just leaves your body on it’s own when it’s job is done? They also look pretty neat, with the blood vessels and cord forming the distinctive “Tree of Life”. More than just looking cool, placentas can sometimes tell us a lot about the pregnancy or birth. As midwives, we always give the placenta a full examination as part of the process. Be sure to let us know if you want pictures of your placenta, we’re happy to give you the “tour”!

Unfortunately, in our modern society, placentas are often labeled as “medical waste”. In other cultures, people honor and respect the placenta in a variety of traditional ways. Some dry and save the cord, or the bury entire placenta in a special place. Another option is to use the placenta to continue to support your growing family. We process your placenta into several preparations including capsules, tincture, tea, and salve. You can use them months and years after the birth. Whether it’s as artwork, capsules, or tincture, or more, we give the placenta a life after birth!

Learn more about our services;

If you’re in the Portland Metro area, we are happy to serve you! Multnomah, Washington, and Clackamas counties are all in our service area, in addition to Vancouver, Washington. If you’re outside of this immediate area, we still may be able to help you or refer to to another provider we know and trust.

When you’re ready, check out the menu, or meet our specialists, look at the options for placenta artwork, or art diy. Contact us here at Tree of Life Placenta Services when you’re ready to sign up, or if you have any questions!

Placenta Services

On this page, you’ll find details about our placenta encapsulation services and costs. Listed prices include pick up and delivery.

Your placenta service provider will come to pick up your placenta when it’s available, whether that’s at a Portland area hospital, birth center, or your home.

Processing a placenta into all of the preparations we offer takes about two days. The the first day we make prints and the tincture, clean and drain the placenta, steam it, slice it and put it in the dehydrator. Next, the placenta then dehydrates for approximately 24 hours.  Once dry, we powder and encapsulate your the placenta and also make a healing salve infused with some of the placenta powder.

We do offer sliding scale discounts and payment options. It is important to us that our services are accessible to anyone in our community who wants them. Do not let cost be a hindrance! Talk to us. 

Standard Placenta Encapsulation Services Package – $300

Includes the following:

  • Placenta Print
  • Placenta Tincture
  • Lemon Ginger Placenta Tea
  • Herbal Healing Placenta Salve
  • Cord Keepsake
  • Placenta Encapsulation

Additional Services 

  • Large Double Placenta Prints** $10
  • Double Tincture** – $25
  • Double Placenta Salve – $20
  • Placenta Smoothie **  – no extra charge, raw pieces of placenta frozen for you to add to your own smoothies.

Alternative Services

  • Artwork Package-$150 (prints, cord keepsake)
  • Just Placenta Tincture – $100
  • Just Placenta Prints – $100

Give the gift of encapsulation! E gift cards available here

Our Providers

Kelsey Fisher

Kelsey is the current owner of Tree of Life.  She is a homebirth midwife who focused on placenta research during her education. She keeps busy chasing toddlers and teaching new midwives.

Alicia Gonzales

Alicia is a native Portlander, midwife and mama to three wonderful kiddos. She is currently the lead member of the team. If you call or email, she’ll be the one to get back to you. She had a wonderful experience with the encapsulation of her own placenta following the birth of her first child and wants to help others have a positive postpartum experience as well. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her kids, crocheting and listening to audiobooks.

Raeben Nolan

Raeben is the founder of Tree of Life Placenta Services as well as an experienced birth doula and herbalist.  After having a transformative experience with using her own placenta she decided that she would offer placenta services to any mother who wants them.

Contact Us

If you’re interested in our services, please email us at pdxplacentalady@gmail.com or leave a message at 971-808-2253.

You can also fill out our encapsulation interest form here.

Testimonials and Reviews

Kelsey was thoughtful and great at explaining the process of what she was doing as she prepared the different items included in the encapsulation package. She was a joy to chat with and wI just wanted to let you know how great your service is.  I loved the package you put together, and your salve is absolutely beautiful!  I feel so much better about my placenta experience with this second baby than the first.  Thanks so much for helping us out.as really great at answering all of our questions. Her encapsulation package includes a great variety of items that allows you to prolong and experience the benefits of your placenta in different ways. She had a great energy to have around in our home and will definitely be using her services again when we have our next child

from Karen Tam

I just wanted to let you know how great your service is.  I loved the package you put together, and your salve is absolutely beautiful!  I feel so much better about my placenta experience with this second baby than the first.  Thanks so much for helping us out.

Christina’s expereince

I feel as if the placenta pills were a HUGE help in my recovery on my birthing experience and my coping with the loss of my very special family member named Dakota.  I noticed that when taking the pills my mood and spirt would even out and bring me back to reality.  Anytime I felt I was taking a “dip” in my mood or possible depression, the pills brought me back up and helped me cope with my day to day living.
I found that you are a pleasure to visit with.  I love your stories and experiences with children that you shared with me.  I think you are a very funny and knowledgeable individual and felt very comfortable with you!  I can’t wait to hire your services again for child number two!

Theresa’s experience

I took the capsules for a couple weeks and had plenty of milk.  I plan on saving some for menopause, it’s in the freezer now.  As far as other aspects of the placenta experience, I loved everything, how you came over to the house and took care of everything.  I loved being educated on my placenta and the prints are something so special I plan to keep and make into some sort of book.  Pretty much everyone who came over to my house for the next month got a full explanation from me about my placenta, what you did, showed off the prints, etc.

Holly’s experience

I was lucky enough to not experience postpartum depression but I also took the placenta medicine for a couple of weeks to ensure a speedy recovery, as well as keep my mood positive during many, many sleepless nights.  I am keeping quite a bit for when I go through menopause, as I’d much rather take my own hormones than manufactured hormones.  I absolutely love the placenta prints she gave me and have one hanging on my wall.  It’s my daughter’s “tree of life!”

Dionne’s expereince

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